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Basic Decoy Carving
ISBN 0-924947-13-6
We at Duck Trap Press are pleased to feature Basic Decoy Carving by Walter Simmons. Although chiefly known as a professional boatbuilder and writer of boatbuilding books, he has been carving since childhood. This latest offering, like all his other books, was written to pass along experience gained through the years. It's precisely the sort of information you'd have a right to expect if you could have an experienced carver right there with you while you work. If you've been meaning to try your hand at decoy carving, but didn't quite dare for lack of specific information, this book was written for you and everyone like you. Have a friend or a relative who would like to learn how to carve? This would make a great gift.
Basic Decoy Carving cover shot
From the Introduction...

This book began quite a long time ago. Every time I picked up some useful information that helped me in my work I jotted it down or made a mental note. Every time a student asked about suppliers I found myself writing out an impromptu list. And every time I looked for information and had difficulty finding it, I thought to myself, "This stuff really ought to be written down in one place." ...Well now it is, and this is the place.

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Here's a book that tells it like it is. It's full of shop sketches to help you along and tells specifically which products work and those that are best avoided. The photos below are two of those included in the Photo Gallery for ready reference. Add to that the plans for making your own dust box, three carving patterns (a basic shorebird, a miniature realistic Black Duck, and a Bufflehead Drake hunting decoy), as well as lists of suppliers and references, and this is not only useful, it's a bargain.
Bufflehead Decoys
Pair of Cork Bufflehead Hunters

The plan for the drake is included in the book. The pattern is straightforward to use, and the decoys can be as plain or as fancy as you wish.

Common Eider Decoy
This Common Eider Hunting Decoy is one of the pieces featured in the Photo Gallery (Chapter 9). There are lots more, all in full color.
feather layout
breast feathers
Here are two shop drawings from the book. The one to the left illustrates flow lines and the detailing of breast feathers. The one above illustrates the wing feathers for a miniature Black Duck.
Basic Decoy Carving by Walter Simmons. 6-1/2" x 8-1/2" format, comb bound to open and lay flat on your workbench for ready reference. 205 pages, 76 shop drawings and photos, indexed......................................................................$29.95
...................................................shipping weight 3 pounds

Duck Trap Press

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© W. J. Simmons, Duck Trap Woodworking